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Jüdische Weisheit
Jiddische Literatur:

We are happy to announce the publishing of a new book, written by Mr. Shmuel Bar-On and translated from Yiddish to Hebrew by his son Mr. Israel Bar-on.

The title of the book is "Miriam", after the heroine. This novel is a fiction story of a little Jewish girl that was rescued by a catholic and was raised by him not knowing her origin. in fact there is a mystery and a secret that covers her existence all during her life,  all this time  just a few people know the mystery, but each one, for his own reasons chooses not to reveal it, each one of them passes from the world and somehow his secret is being discovered by another. Miriam too is passing away as an old women not knowing the real story of her life. but with time, generations later, the mystery is solved in a natural way. the story starts in the 15th century and ends in the first half of the 20th century.

Israeli Writer, Shmuel Bar-On was borne in the little polish town Bilgorij, same town that the writer Isaac Bashevis Singer was born too. in his writing he describes the nature, the landscapes and the characters in the most artistic way, almost like a painter.

IS 76.00 bzw. $18.81 plus Versandkosten
/ 00972-57-781006

Previous Book published, written by Mr. Shmuel Bar-On and translated from Yiddish to Hebrew by his son Mr. Israel Bar-on. is the novel "VEHASHAMAJIM SHATKU" (and the heavens kept silence).

In this book the writer raises through the heroes and from the unconscious, a Jewry that was once and does not exist any more, a Jewry that was long forgotten, gone with the holocaust, taking with them the naivety of life, the personal beauty and the purity of people, who believed that the one and only god in heaven, loves and guards them.

One can sense the deep ties that connect the writer to the victims. It is a tie of innocence, faith and love, but  not less ties that lead towards strangulation and suffocation.

Publishers: Eked Tel Aviv
First edition almost exhausted, only single copies left.

[german] [chapter one] [hebrew/yiddish fonts]

Israel Bar-On / haGalil onLine 20-Juli-2001


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